How to configure WordPress for Daylight Savings Time (DST)
Daylight savings time ends Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 2:00 am in the United States! It'll be time to set the clocks ahead one hour and adjust your WordPress time zone to ensure that your posts and comments are tagged with the correct time. For many webmasters, this...
2014 Glimmernet Redesign
Redesigning the Glimmernet site has been on the list of things to do for seemingly forever and we kept finding ourselves too busy working with clients to get our own projects completed. About two weeks ago we decided it was time to make it happen. This meant...
My Blog Admin Username is…
I'm running a test. In my post on Blocking Kyivstar From Accessing Your WordPress Site from January, I first said that "‘admin’ isn’t a valid username on this blog and it shouldn’t be on yours, either!". Since then I've used similar sentiments a few times, but ever...
You’ve Installed WordPress. Now What?
Congratulations! You just picked a host and successfully got WordPress installed and can't wait to stat blogging! Stop and pause for a quick minute and make sure that your WordPress installation is configured properly and reasonably secure. Going through this guide...
List of Usernames to Avoid When Configuring WordPress
At about 11:00 am this morning (2/10/2014) the guys over at reported a HUGE distributed brute-force hacking attack on WordPress sites around the world. This time the traffic wasn't just from Kyivstar, but from random ISPs and countries around the globe....
How To Change Your WordPress Login
WordPress will tell you that usernames cant be changed, but fortunately there is an easy way to do this. What we're going to do is simply create a new account and swap it with the old one. It's worth noting that there are a few plugins that will automate this...
Blocking Kyivstar From Accessing Your WordPress Site
Recently we had a rash of brute-force hacking attempts on a variety of WordPress sites that we manage. The commonality in the attacks is that they all originated from the Ukraine - more specifically they all came from the Kyivstar ISP. A user with...
My Browser Needs a Therapist
I knew my browser tended to be a little broody and emotional, but I had no idea it was so insecure!